Next Edition: May 10.—18., 2025

Sustainable XR thinking / Before we turn virtual ...

Luxoom Open Lab and Studio present
Rethinking, changing perspectives, looking at things differently – we don’t just do that for our clients, we also apply it to our own work. As an experiential design studio, for us this means, as an example, moving away from one-off projects to sustainable platform thinking. We wish to share the results with you: visit us at the Luxoom Lab in the former funeral hall at the Crematorium Wedding. Try out the possibilities of sustainable platform thinking in Mixed Reality with our new development REVELATE XR and discuss with us about the use and possibilities of sustainable XR solutions in design and marketing. In addition, you can join us in taking our lab into a new, virtual dimension. Pick a spot! At the Luxoom Lab and Studio: REVELATE XR – Sustainable platform thinking in Mixed Reality Luxoom Lab – before we turn virtual… as well as: Mischa Kuball – ‚five planets‘, 2015 (Image of the installation ‘five planets’: Mischa Kuball ‚five planets‘, 2015, installation view Museum Folkwang, Essen. © Foto Archiv Mischa Kuball, Düsseldorf / VG Bild Kunst, Bonn 2023, all other images: © Luxoom Medienprojekte GmbH)