Next Edition: May 15.—18., 2025

Playful, visionary and feminist with Superrr Lab

in Kooperation mit IDK/FH Joanneum, Graz
Superrr Lab is a feminist non-profit organization. We develop visions and projects with the goal to create more equitable futures. We do so by researching technologies, building networks and shaping new narratives. Superrr is playful, visionary and feminist. The mission of Superrr Lab is to explore and develop the potentials of new technologies for society and diversity. We challenge existing paradigms by bringing new perspectives and stakeholders to the discussion. We work with civil society, political decision makers and the tech industry. Through our fellowship programs we support individuals and explore future narratives. In our research work we study the social implications of technology. In our advocacy work we challenge the power and purpose of technology in society. Our work is driven by feminist values such as equity, diversity, creativity and curiosity. This program item (12.5.2023: 20.30h – 23.00h) is part of the graduate series of the Institute of Design and Communication of FH JOANNEUM in Graz in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria and Designmonat Graz.